Thursday, August 23, 2012

MUSIC : Broken Lighthouse Initiative EP

New EP released!

Here's the new tracks, available to buy from

I also made a silly floating robot orb thing for music video purposes. Here's the youtube set :

An earlier version of the title track, Broken Lighthouse Initiative, was previously released by - head over for lots of amazing free electronic music!

If you've bought one of my releases previously, you'll have a lovely surprise in your email inbox. If not, please consider supporting my musical endeavours - I like to think that I treat my fans better than average :)

Thank you all!

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Monday, August 13, 2012

VIDEO : Max - Cat Controller (music by .mpegasus)

It's always nice when someone emails you out of the blue asking if it would be ok if your music were to feature on their short film.

It's even nicer when, as is the case with Cat Controller by Anthony Carpendale, it turns out to be whimsically brilliant. I might even bust out my favourite word to describe it : Quixotic.

The track in question is Troll Physics from "Binary Opposition" my fakebit chiptune collaboration with _ensnare_ from the end of last year.

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Thursday, August 02, 2012

LIVE : Northampton Labour Club August 2012

Heads up!

I'll be playing my second ever live gig, supporting The Agonal Trace again, in the same venue as last time - Northampton Labour Club.

I'm going to try being a bit more daring this time, so it might all end in tears. Hopefully, I'll get another recording to put up for those of you who can't make it.

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