MUSIC : _ensnare_ and .mpegasus : Binary Opposition
This is the exciting collaboration I alluded to a while back...

Binary Opposition Album Preview by Binster
It's a chiptune album by Paul "nervous_testpilot" Taylor (as _ensnare_) and myself (as .mpegasus). There's 4 tracks by Paul, 4 by me and one track which is a proper, both at the same computer collaboration.
Get on it, chiptune fans! And Merry Christmas!
Oh, also the album is now featuring in AudioSurf Radio!

Binary Opposition Album Preview by Binster
It's a chiptune album by Paul "nervous_testpilot" Taylor (as _ensnare_) and myself (as .mpegasus). There's 4 tracks by Paul, 4 by me and one track which is a proper, both at the same computer collaboration.
Get on it, chiptune fans! And Merry Christmas!
Oh, also the album is now featuring in AudioSurf Radio!