Monday, September 15, 2014

LIVE : .mpegasus at JoyPadBar 2014

I did a live gig!

My first in two years, and my first ever playing .mpegasus chiptune tracks. It went really well! I am now itching to play live again - hopefully next time I'll have more than three days to prepare and will therefore be able to let you all know the when and the where.

I recorded the gig on my headmounted GoPro, and _ensnare_ provided roving cameraman support from the crowd. Here's a needlessly convoluted video for those of you who survived watching The Blair Witch Project without vomiting through motion sickness.

Here's the audio recording of the gig, in both "As if you were really there in the room, but also wearing headphones connected to the mixing desk output" and "As if you were in a quiet room somewhere else, listening via telepathy to the soundcard in my laptop" editions, depending on your tolerance of people shouting at retrogames in the background.

Fingers crossed I get to play live again soon!

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