Friday, September 22, 2006

GENERAL : Computer Music Feature

Crikey! When I was asked by Computer Music Magazine to give some pointers on how to make a lead sound, I didn't realise I'd be featuring in such a prominent way!

The latest issue (October 2006) has a feature entitled "The Ultimate Lead Sound". Advice comes from one of CM's writers (Paul Taylor, of nervous_testpilot fame), Darren Tate (of Jurgen Vries fame) and me, of little fame!

To those of you who followed the link at the bottom of my bio, welcome! You can download music by clicking on the links listed over there on the right.


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

MUSIC : Bijou Breaks August Mix

I was asked by the very nice fellers over at Bijou Breaks to produce a sixty minute mixset for them. Seeing as I had just bought Ableton live, it seemed the perfect opportunity.

Click here to download the 90mb 65min MP3!.

Tracklisting's further up the page...

Hope you all dig it! I had an ace time making it, and will hopefully knock up another mix sometime soon!
