Friday, January 26, 2007

PHOTO : Tom 1988 - 2007

Tom Portrait
Originally uploaded by binster.
At the risk of turning this informative website into a tedious blog, here's a post about my pet cat of 18 years, Tom, who recently died.

He was an ace cat and I'll miss him loads. Please indulge me by clicking through this series of photos of him.



Blogger Fray said...

Very sorry to hear about your cat. I know how much I love my cats, so I know it really hurts to lose him.

I stopped by because I heard Poltergeist Mix for the first time yesterday. It's absolutely incredible.

28/1/07 17:48  
Blogger Binster said...

Thanks Fray! It was very hard to lose him, but life goes on.

Glad you like the Poltergeist mix :)

29/1/07 11:01  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, he lived a good long life, eh? my condolences to you, buddy boy. :(

8/2/07 03:42  

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